My name is Rayshawn Davis. My hobbies are playing video games, and typing. I enjoy video games because when I'm bored I enjoy gaming while it can help with real life problems. I enjoy typing because when writing papers, essays, or resume I will be done quickly. I have a mom, brother, sister, and father. While also having a dog named Blaze, that we bought from my grandma two years ago. I choose to write about Black History because it's something that isn't taken seriously by many people. You have white people thinking its funny while our skin color just suffers. But thanks to people such as Dr King, Malcom X for stepping in. I started wanted to learn about black history when I found out about the Martin Luther King Jr. Speech, after this speech I wanted to learn all I could. Espcially when I found out about racism, this made me feel very sad, when I found out about Rosa Parks. I felt everyone should be treated fairly unless they did something out of order to be in their situation.
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